Starting with Robin's 'blob map' in DaO, I'll develop a revised, more explicitly conceptualised version, which turns out to be a mapping of regimes of provision and access in the material economy.
>Robin's blob map
>Reorganised blobs, with analytical dimensions: **public/private**, **generic/particular**.
1 blobs - An analytical 2x2 version of Robin's original
0 blobs - Robin's original in DaO
>Dance of provisioning
1 blobs - Dance of provisioning
>Four regimes of provision and access . . . . .for **material means of subsistence and wellbeing**.
>This is a mapping-space for practices of the real, material economy (weaves of forces of production). It's intuitive and helpful as a space for mapping institutions and economic formations, and the weave of actual practices of economic production and transformation.
Next: Mutual sector? Region?