
Pts is a typescript/javascript library for visualization and creative-coding. github , guide

Let's see if we can run the pts.quickStart demo here in wiki. (cf. G9 Demos)

// Source code licensed under Apache License 2.0. // Copyright © 2017 William Ngan. ( window.demoDescription = "An example of using quickStart function to create this in 5 lines of code"; //// Demo code starts (anonymous function wrapper is optional) --- (function() { // Pts.quickStart instantiates a CanvasSapce and CanvasForm and put the respective "space" and "form" variables into global scope and bind mouse and touch events. // It returns a function where you can init with callback functions ( animateFn, startFn, actionFn, resizeFn ) // See guides for more details: var run = Pts.quickStart( "pt", "#f03" ); // Pass an animate callback function to run run( ( time, ftime ) => { let subs = (p) => Line.subpoints( [p, space.pointer], 30 ) ); let rects = subs ).map( (r,i) => Rectangle.corners( r ).rotate2D( i*Math.PI/60, space.pointer ) ); form.strokeOnly("#FDC", 2).polygons( rects ); }); })();

// HEIGHT 160

We scrape code from this page and eval with pts. github


## Pts Demos