
__Publons__ is a website and free service for academics to track, verify and showcase their post-publication peer review and editorial contributions for academic journals.


It was launched in 2012 and by 2017 more than 200,000 researchers have joined the site, adding more than one million reviews across 25,000 journals. Publons' mission is to "speed up science by harnessing the power of peer review".

Publons. Website for researchers to share and receive credit for peer review activity -

Publons claims that by turning peer review into a measurable research output, academics can use their review and editorial record as evidence of their standing and influence in their field. Publons says its business model is based on partnering with publishers - wikipedia

Publons produces a verified record of a person's review and editorial activity for journals. This evidence is showcased on reviewers' online profiles and can be downloaded to include in CVs, funding and job applications, and promotion and performance evaluations.

Publons also provides:

- tools for publishers to find, screen, contact, and motivate peer reviewers; - data and publications about global peer review behaviour; - peer review training for early-career researchers; and - features for academics to discuss and evaluate published research.

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# Sections

# See also