Punishment Reformation

Willem Van den Ende: @marick @rgb @marcevers I learnt about the work of Dirck Coornhert in secondary school – he wrote about […] punishment reformation in 1587 – all about incarceration and instilling a work ethic as mentioned in your podcast. "The innovation of the tuchthuis, as first conceived by Dirck Coornhert and described in his Boeventucht (1587), was to add rehabilitation to deterrence [..]". A clash of values: the survival of Utrecht's confraternities after the Reformation and the debate over their dissolution Benjamin J. Kaplan, De Zeventiende Eeuw. Jaargang 16 - DBNL page , post


Oddly Influenced: Foucault, /Discipline and Punish/, and voluntary panopticism, part 1–3 page , page , page

CANONICA, Alan, HAMMLER, Uli and KÄLIN, Judith, 2019. Zuhause auf Zeit: 350 Jahre Bürgerliches Waisenhaus Basel. Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag. ISBN 978-3-85616-883-4. page