Relationalize Property

I don't like this neologism.

The whole idea of Ownership, inherent in the concept of property, requires deep and prolonged reflection since it has metastasized to every part of our culture and world view.

Property and Money can get very intertwined. Money and wealth are often conflated. Wealth and common wealth are seldom discussed together. Historically the concept of property has been used to separate people from the world and their livelihood, to enclose and evict, to create haves and have nots.

Money, like property, comes with its own paradigm.

Human relationships are abstracted out of what would have been human exchanges and replaced with money, which is relationship free.

Once money enters the dynamics enormous effort is required to limits its inherent alienating influence. Efforts that almost always fail. So don't break Humpty Dumpty, keep money out of human exchanges whenever possible and to the greatest extent possible. Also, make visible the harm done by the use of money. Attach the consequences directly to the money is ways that cannot easily be ignored. When you accept a dollar you are accepting Responsibility for the harm hidden in that dollar.