__Reputation systems__ are programs that allow users to rate each other in online communities in order to build trust through reputation. Some common uses of these systems can be found on E-commerce websites such as eBay, Amazon.com, and Etsy as well as online advice communities such as Stack Exchange.
YOUTUBE Yn7e0J9m6rE Building Web Reputation Systems. This talk is ideal for system architects, PMs, community managers, UI designers and anyone working on social initiatives. Randy Farmer (2010)
These reputation systems represent a significant trend in "decision support for Internet mediated service provisions". With the popularity of online communities for shopping, advice, and exchange of other important information, reputation systems are becoming vitally important to the online experience. The idea of reputations systems is that even if the consumer can't physically try a product or service, or see the person providing information, that they can be confident in the outcome of the exchange through trust built by recommender systems - wikipedia
Collaborative filtering, used most commonly in recommender systems, are related to reputation systems in that they both collect ratings from members of a community. The core difference between reputation systems and collaborative filtering is the ways in which they use user feedback. In collaborative filtering, the goal is to find similarities between users in order to recommend products to customers. The role of reputation systems, in contrast, is to gather a collective opinion in order to build trust between users of an online community.
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# See also
- Collaborative filtering - Commons-based peer production - Honor system - Online participation - Reputation capital - Reputation management - Sesame Credit - Social Credit System - Sharing economy - Social reputation in fiction - Social translucence - Subjective logic - Trust metric - Web of trust - Whuffie