A REST API is an API that provides it's interface through REST. Here we list a number of services and projects that help you develop and maintain a robust REST API.

# Does wiki have a REST API?

This was almost my first question when I cam across Smallest Federated Wiki. And the classic answer is no (sadly). It does however have an fantastically useful rest api for reading wiki pages – every page exposes it's json with a simple unauthenticated HTTP GET request.

# See also

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture style consisting of guidelines and best practices for creating scalable web services - wikipedia

Members of the Federation provide simple CGI's on a server they own, programmed in whatever language they prefer, which responds at the URL specified within the Fedwiki Page Json. In this way we create an evolving REST API for wiki.

Here we outline some provisional notes on authenticating RESTful Web Service's in Fedwiki.

A site-owner is able to double-click and edit the text of the plugin - providing a URL to a RESTful Web Service, and optionally some data to POST.