REST Plugin

The REST Plugin should expose the limited ability to access the page that the plugin sits on using standard REST HTTP calls for both read and write.

# Why is this useful?

This plugin will allow limited access to read and write json to a wiki page without endangering other pages on the site. This would allow a number of possibilities: * multiple authors can change the contents of the page * software can read and write data to the page * documentation of software written in other languages * content can be written to by transporters

# How does it work?

Some brief audio notes regarding the proposed rest plug-in for Federated wiki. Some brief audio notes regarding the proposed rest plug-in for Federated wiki.

# Original concept

The original idea was to create a set of plugins that essentially provide the ability for site-owners to specify REST calls to services they create or wish to use. These are described below. This first idea was implemented as what we have since called the Transport Plugin.

# See also