
via matrix I accidently found fedwiki, surprised it remains deceptively hidden from the mass. I want to thank @Ward & Contributers to have created wiki that is very personal and keep it growing for years.

The project is well thought out and designed, like the Miller-columns style pages, surprised it was Ward Cunningham who got inspired from Mac Finder, I have tools that use this column style like, it is very natural idea, using full height to increase lines of view, and compact width for easier reading, some of the tools I use are PaperWM window manager if using Linux, hammerspoon & Paperwm.spoon for Mac, Windows no luck.

So when I found Andy Matuschak notes, it was very cool but he isn't sharing the system for others to use, that's a bummer until Federated Wiki. I find this wiki to be much better personal note taking solution, I tried many tools like Evernote/Onenote, Zettelkasten3 etc, but this is the design I think is very intiutive.

This system still posing challenges, it has very dev centric approach, I'm java developer yet I find it challenging to configure and use, this remark is from spending not more than couple of days casualy, so I'm not complaining, not handholding user could be a conscious choice. But to state obvious, as a documenting system could have better documention to ease installation, configuration, and a faq targeting different demographic/users like personal wiki, acadamic user, etc.

Read How to Wiki for more ideas.

From the initial video notes and introduction, there were a lot of intriguing ideas, but need more explanation or expansion, below are some of my queries, none of my rants are geared negatively towards anybody or I take it granted the work that is happnening, it is the curiosity and sincerity that drives the questions,

From a daily notes rambler perspective, I don't want bulk or most or all of my junk information which is very personal, like phone notes, to be available in backup form foroever in some fedwiki server, [⇒ Local Wiki]

i) how network discovery works, how much and what data is shared among fedwikis? Trying a localhost:3000 I find pages from other fedwiki from (neighbouring) tabs? and in those other's sites I find localhost:3000 available for search? how this works? ii) is it really suited for any notes like someone who is using OneNote would prefer? mostly bookmarks, personal notes and references about various entities? iii) while I absolutely love reading stuff of fedwiki authors, I'm not a scientist or deep thinker etc, so I think a page can have publish button in some form so it is implied it is local-only The above use case is definitely not the goal of Federated Wiki, from the naming, the goal is sharing, contributing, while also growing through various forks. These are amazing goals, clearly it is working from what I saw, suddenly after opening a page, the status bar tell X number of wiki pages available to be queried with various icons on top telling different version, I also love how version control is implemented visually column-style viewing allows natural side by side comparison, and it got Vim/Emacs like unlimited undos. Finally, will it work as personal wiki or it is going against the notion? Also, this could be premature question, about the discovery nature and versioning, if this scales to thousands of installations or thousands of edits on single page both remote and local, how the UI handles? Wouldn't there be so much freezing p.s. I already posted this desktop client, not sure if it faulted, but the comment is removed due to moderation, my apologies