Schools in the Faculty of care work
An anticipatory map.
**§1 Material landscape** - School of *living gracefully within the doughnut* - Experimenting, and cultivating legacy, in the weave of ‘circular’, nurturing practices that can be articulated, within the region between the planetary ceiling and the foundation of social reproduction and wellbeing. Achieving wellbeing. Achieving sufficiency.
- School of the dance of *skill and impulse* - skilfulness in the moment, pushing buttons, *papanca*.
- School of *grandchildren’s grandchildren* - visioning and valuing across generations, Fridays for Future.
**§2 Cultural landscape** - School of *practices of valuing* - of contribution (to society) and of livelihood (of the contributing person): recognising and valuing *necessity* and capability.
- School of the *curating and enjoying* of commons.
**§3 Aesthetic landscape** - School of the dance of *struggle and equanimity*.
- School of the dance of *life-time* - deep planetary-evolutionary time and limitation, the slack unfolding of biographical lifetime, and the moment: struggle, transformation, *sankhara* and equanimity - dancing rather than striving, the worldly winds.
- School of skills and genres of *reparation and reconciliation*.

Schools in the Faculty of care work
> System map of the §3 Aesthetic landscape - To be added xxx
--- Next (final) section : Coda - Scope, particularity, formacion, livelihood