Far-reaching, college-level matters are part of the concern of the Faculty of stewarding, with its very large field of reach, although some of them live in other Faculties.
Specifically, there is a close relationship between zone ¿4 Region (the most out-there, where relationships with radically unknown people are brought to focus) and zone ¿1 In-here (the most intimate, where perceptions, affiliations, marginality and ‘tunnelling and Othering’ in everyday life are engaged as ‘the personal unknown’). But the Faculty of stewarding holds the integrative responsibility, within the historical frame of making the living economy.
Here is an anticipatory map of the faculty . . engaging the producing, curating, mobilising and stewarding of capability in dual power and commons-of-commons: the capable systematic production of future wellbeing . .
Schools of the Faculty of stewarding work
**§1 Material landscape - 'Here'** - School of *college federation* - stewarding the operational infrastructure of the college federation, and the plural commons of the college.
- School of *cities ‘in the doughnut’*, ‘new municipalism’, ‘partner state’, citizen deliberation, commoning of public space.
- School of *bioregion* - commerce in the Anthropocene.
**§2 Cultural landscape - 'We'** - School of *stewarding* - the school of stewarding in commons-of-commons.
- School of *protocolling* - protocol commons, building on the knowhow of peer-to-peer protocolling and free-software ecosystems: the principle of ‘rough consensus, and code that runs’.
**§3 Aesthetic landscape - 'In-here'** - School of *blessed unrest* - federating and commoning in 'the largest movement the world has ever seen' \[Hawken xxx], of roots, rank&file and indigenous organisations, seeking social justice, autonomy and human voice in world order.
- School of *news from elsewhere*: faction, living-economy storytelling, historical narrative and media/mediation between locations in the uneven development of forces of production (in all three landscapes).
- School of *dual power* - assemblies, commons transition; also infrastructuring (the participatory designing, assembling, enjoying and stewarding of trans-region infrastructure).
- School of *regions* - the school of solidarity political economy in the face of uneven development.
- School of *pluriverse* - plural vision, existence alongside, transverse practice.

Schools of the Faculty of stewarding work
--- Next section: 6 Beyond the fragments