Scott P. Scheper

600 W. Broadway, Suite 700, San Diego, CA 92101

SCHEPER, Scott P., 2022. Antinet Zettelkasten. San Diego, CA: Greenlamp. ISBN 979-8-9868626-0-6.

"Systems theory 1.0 revolves around the mereological notion of whole-part theory. In this model, the system equals the whole. The parts are like organs in a body yet are thought of as more modular and static in nature. When you think of systems theory 1.0, think simple input-output machines (like a vending machine). You put a dollar in, and it spits out a snack (assuming it doesn’t get stuck)!"

"Luhmann’s take on systems theory was not conventional. It could be better likened to systems theory 2.0."