Secure Scuttlebutt

Scuttlebutt (ssb} is a decent(ralised) secure gossip platform. Historically, sea-slang for gossip - a scuttlebutt is basically a watercooler on a ship.

VIMEO 236358264 An Introduction to Scuttlebutt, the lovely decentralized social network -


Cade Diehm: This is Fine: Optimism & Emergency in the P2P Network newdesigncongress

> This beautifully designed decentralised network also happens to be a forensically sound surveillance tool, in which nothing can be retracted and proof of authorship can be traced to specific devices.

The protocol has attracted a vibrant community that leans left-wing libertarian, engaging openly and eagerly in postcapitalist discourse and baying for serious alternatives to neoliberalism. This is a dream for network Surveillance.

[…] Users are asked to administrate, govern and participate politically in networks they don’t fully understand. ⇒ Shock Doctrine as a Service


# See also