
The counterpart of the Suicide is the seeker; but the difference between the two is slight. The suicide comes to the conclusion that what he is looking for does not exist, the seeker, on the other hand, that he has not yet searched in the right place. The suicide introduces zero, the seeker infinity into the existential "equation"; every such search is in Karl Popper's meaning self-immunizing and therefore endless. There are an infinite number of possibly "correct" search results. (Epilog, p. 311)


seeker | BrE ˈsiːkə, AmE ˈsikər | noun Sucher (Mask.)/ Sucherin (Fem.) ▸ seeker after the Truth Wahrheitssucher (Mask.)/ Wahrheitssucherin (Fem.) (formal) ▸ bargain-seekers Leute, die Jagd auf günstige Angebote machen/machten usw.