__Self-ownership__ (also known as __sovereignty of the individual__ or __individual sovereignty__) is the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the Natural and legal rights of a person to have bodily integrity and be the exclusive controller of one's own body and life. Self-ownership is a central idea in several Political philosophy that emphasize individualism, such as liberalism and anarchism - wikipedia
# Sections
# See also
- Castle doctrine - Civil libertarianism - Civil liberties - Cognitive liberty - Dualism (philosophy of mind) - Empowerment - Free will - Freedom of speech - Freedom of thought - Harm principle - Individualist anarchism - Law of equal liberty - Negative liberty - Non-aggression principle - Perpetual traveler - Public order crime - Redemption movement - Right to die - Self-determination - Slavery - Sovereign citizen movement - Sumptuary - Victimless crime