I represent a set of objects without duplicates. I can hold anything that responds to `#hash` and `#=`, except for nil. My instances will automatically grow, if necessary, Note that I rely on `#=`, not `#==`. If you want a set using `#==`, use `IdentitySet`.
The core operation is `#findElementOrNil:`, which either finds the position where an object is stored in array, if it is present, or finds a suitable position holding nil, if its argument is not present in array.
### Instance structure:
- `array` An array whose non-nil elements are the elements of the set, and whose nil elements are empty slots. There is always at least one nil. tweet
In fact I try to keep my "load" at 75% or less so that hashing will work well.
- `tally` The number of elements in the set. The array size is always greater than this.