We test by simple example the degree that bound state is available in multiple modules.
Elsewhere I am getting an error message from a helper in the main module that says count is not defined. This experiment shows that my expectation of shared state is well founded but does not then explain my error.
See Print All Pages
# Test
Here we invoke the main.html script. tab
http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/assets/pages/sharing-imported-state/main.html HEIGHT 0
# Outline
count('one') count('two') simple() count('three') complex(helper)
function helper() { count('helper') }
export function simple() { count('sub simple') }
export function complex(delegate) { count('sub complex') delegate() }
let counter = {count: 0, last: 'nowhere'}
export function count(where) { counter.count += 1 counter.last = where console.log(counter) }
# Output
{count: 1, last: 'one'} {count: 2, last: 'two'} {count: 3, last: 'simple'} {count: 4, last: 'three'} {count: 5, last: 'complex'} {count: 6, last: 'helper'}
# Diagram
We show files imported (solid) and functions called (dotted). Note that the state that count increments is allocated only once.
digraph { compound=true; rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=white] subgraph cluster_m { style=filled fillcolor=lightblue label="main.html" main helper } subgraph cluster_s { style=filled fillcolor=lightblue label="print.js" simple complex } subgraph cluster_c { style=filled fillcolor=lightblue label="stats.js" count } edge [penwidth=2] main -> count [ltail=cluster_m lhead=cluster_c] main -> simple [ltail=cluster_m lhead=cluster_s] simple -> count [ltail=cluster_s lhead=cluster_c] edge [penwidth=1 style=dashed] main -> count main -> simple -> count main -> complex -> count complex -> helper -> count }