Site Survey

is based on html scripts with no special powers other than available to any script floating around the federation. matrix

Site Survey was coded to use more application specific pluggable modules we calling Probes. A survey "launch" creates a page, necessarily a ghost page, with information within it to maintain and update results from one probe for one site. This is the raw data which a probe can render in a form most useful for double checking the accuracy of probes and the content probed. To this we add more application specific scripts which can be as varied as the applications they support.

> My most recent work has been exploring tagging through the creation of a probe for a tag syntax that would fit gracefully into the ways we already write in wiki. I support the viewing of tag survey results with another script called the tag aggregator. matrix

The aggregator reads a list of raw survey results and constructs a variation of a tag cloud where tag words are listed in numbered sections based on their frequency in the corpus. More common tag clouds use various font sizes in a cleverly packed square of words going every which way. We have not ruled this out. We just need another script.


We study both frequent and rare tags from one or more item tag surveys. Add more references to surveys to be aggregated.