Smalltalk with Pages

Let every word of a language be a Federated Wiki page (or Croquet card) as part of a Path drawn across words. ⇒ Sentence

Let there be only one relation: contains ⇒ Containment

Let the Lineup be one of those paths over words.

Let the next page be the response.

Let the contents of a page or response be – among other things – a Site Survey over the Federation or first of all the current Neighbourhood gathering all those paths drawn across words represented as a clickable Self-Organizing Map (SOM).

Let there be a stack of such SOMs, e.g, a Lexical Map over a Semantic Map over a Phonetic Map etc.

Let this stack be a layered Croquet world.



Let `allPages` be a Federated Wiki page, which in a Lineup will respond with a Ghost page, containing all the pages of the input page(s) left of `allPages`.

cf. `Smalltalk allClasses`:


I'm designing a little language that can run in a web page.

Try the latest version here .