Taking a snapshot is the process of embedding content from the existing internet (the Impermanent Web) into The Federation.
This process is a combination of: * Importing the core reference material into the actual JSON file that contains the wiki-page content * Importing any additional (larger) data into IPFS as HTML5 and Javascript.
In a changing world we want to make sure that whatever we write, and reference has permanence. Links are not going to break, and data and images are not going to disappear.
In this way we create a Distributed Wayback Machine.
Below we have an example of interfacing with an external project, and how we may link or reference to this code, and this data within the federation.
http://audioboom.com/boos/3834900-snapshots.mp3 How to take digital snapshots of the impermanent web.
This HTML5 audio was recorded and is hosted by Audioboom. In order to protect our content, in case the company folds or changes it's policy, we store this audio ourselves and host it on IPFS.
What we aim for are seamless tools that record, host, archive and create the link code we need for wiki.
# See also
How to take digital snapshots of the impermanent web.
Thoughts on the future architecture of a permanent internet archive, and how we can start in small incremental steps.
We collect various counts while scraping sitemaps and report them as a text file. Here we plot the most recent counts available.
Snapshots are copies of the model that are saved to the cloud. When your Croquet application is running, the reflector will periodically tell it to perform a snapshot. page
Snapshots are used to synchronize other users when they join a session that's already in progress. But they also provide automatic save functionality. If you quit or reload while your application is running, it will automatically reload the last snapshot when the application restarts.
Automatic snapshotting is the reason your model state needs to be stored as object properties, as opposed to a more functional style. All the properties of your model objects are serialized automatically (except those whose names start with a dollar sign like this.$foo). JavaScript can not serialize functions, and does not provide access to closure variables, so these cannot be used to hold model state. The view code has no such restrictions, you can use any style you like, object-oriented or not.
*Note: The snapshot code is currently unoptimized, so you may experience a performance hitch when the snapshot is taken. The Croquet team is working to resolve this issue and make snapshots invisible to both user and developer, but for the time being your application may occasionally pause if your model is very large.*