
We try to learn the JSON Schema for Federated Wiki pages. Story items are snippets.

> A story is an array of paragraph-like items. The type identifies the plugin that can render the item. (JSON Schema page)

The Text Snippet from Glamorous Toolkit is a basic snippet that supports Markdown. Other text snippets are those for programming such as the Pharo Snippet, JavaScript Snippet or Python Snippet.

But, snippets are not necessarily textual. For example, the Example Snippet describes how an example should be embedded as part of a live document.

See g**t** book. page


LwDITA is a simplified version of DITA. In comparison to DITA 1.3, LwDITA has a smaller element and attribute set, stricter content models, and a reduced feature set. LwDITA also defines mappings between XML, HTML5, and Markdown, enabling authoring, collaboration, and publishing across different markup languages. See Specification URIs. page