Social System → Social System (Soziales System) > […] we can no longer speak, as Talcott Parsons did, of a theory of the social system in the singular, but must speak instead of social systems in the plural.
For a different perspective on social systems, see, e.g., ``:
This basic four node, twelve edge, tetrahedron model (minus the VSM node at the bottom) is a simple, friendly and useful way to explore small parts of social systems.
⇒ Icosahedron ⇒ Syntegrity
Social System → Social System (Soziales System) > […] we can no longer speak, as Talcott Parsons did, of a theory of the social system in the singular, but must speak instead of social systems in the plural.
For a different perspective on social systems, see, e.g., ``:
This basic four node, twelve edge, tetrahedron model (minus the VSM node at the bottom) is a simple, friendly and useful way to explore small parts of social systems.
⇒ Icosahedron ⇒ Syntegrity