Solarpunk Explained

Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?” The aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the well-designed with the green and wild, the bright and colorful with the earthy and solid.


This Solarpunk Manifesto is a creative re-adaptation of ideas about solarpunk written by many people. site

The links within are an attempt to open up the optics of the solarpunk community for newcomers and others looking for references. medium

Our future must involve repurposing and creating new things from what we already have. Our futurism is not nihilistic like cyberpunk and it avoids steampunk’s quasi-reactionary tendencies. post

You might remember the Solarpunk Communities and Story Hooks I compiled back in the 2021, based on the Polish Optimistic Climate Fiction Contest. prompts post


It is estimated that 80% of the environmental impact of products is determined during the product design phase.

An understanding of our connection to nature is the only way people will find incentive to stop destroying it, and to make better decisions as creators. A willingness to spend time in nature every day is part of that mindshift. toot