Sophisticated Synthesis

A sophisticated synthesis might be described as the combination of many powerful elements, a collection of parts that form a meaningful whole. It might take the form of a vision or a plan that is co-created with context and voice at the forefront. Instead of adopting existing programs, practices, or processes, a community might instead ‘cherry-pick’ and adopt the parts from each that best align with their philosophy to form a unique program or process to suit their context.

A sophisticated synthesis often appears simple; its complexity has been cleverly articulated. It can often take the form of a vision, a ‘snapshot’ document, or a visual representation. Its purpose is to communicate messages succinctly and quickly.

Teaching practices that schools adopt can be a sophisticated synthesis of research-based strategies from different programs, taking the best parts from many, rather than using the whole of one. Rather than simply taking programs as they are, school teams might instead analyze the parts, selecting best practice strategies that align with who they are as a community. For example, a collection of strategies might come together to form a school’s pedagogical approach.

The process of synthesizing allows for the noticing of connections between things - this is no simple task but it is a worthy venture. Synthesizing is not regurgitating, it’s internalizing and espousing in our own words. The result is often a complete and original understanding.

A synthesis might be described as sophisticated when complexity and depth are communicated in a way that appears simple. More importantly, sophistication might recognize the powerful connections between parts and the obvious work that has occurred in order to pull everything together. A sophisticated synthesis is a celebratory term for powerfully capturing.

Synthesizing in a sophisticated manner is a work of the heart and mind - in our creation, we think and feel deeply about what is at the core. As our experience continues, our understanding deepens. A truly sophisticated synthesis might be one that constantly morphs in response to the people it serves.