SPACE ecosystem

The Hub Ecosystem is not a social or recreational network, rather it is designed to provide more creative and productive work environment for a certain type of scientist, digital knowledge worker or creative. It has a focus on creating an environment the enables long term sustainable work on complex problems that require an interdisciplinary approach.

This is an full width image linked to the following url -

# Context There may be many such ecosystems, each with their own particular value systems, and focus. Each ecosystem would have a particular broad and interdisciplinary focus.

DOT FROM wiki-map STATIC strict digraph { node [style=filled penwidth=3 color=black] rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=red penwidth=3 color=black] "SPACE network" node [shape=oval fillcolor=lightyellow] "SPACEs" -> "SPACE network" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] "SPACE network" -> "SPACE governance" "SPACE network" -> "SPACE ecosystem" "SPACE network" -> "SPACE ontology" "SPACE network" -> "SPACE protocol" "SPACE network" -> "SPACE events" "SPACE network" -> "SPACEs" "SPACE governance" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACE network" -> "SPACE governance" "SPACE network" node [shape=oval fillcolor=white color=grey] "SPACE ecosystem" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACE ontology" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACE network" -> "SPACE ontology" "SPACE network" node [shape=oval fillcolor=white color=grey] "SPACE protocol" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACE events" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACEs" node [style=filled fillcolor=green]}

# Description Our software will be open source and designed for easy and agile forking. We envisage each autonomous ecosystem to develop its own culture and specialisation. Our aim is to make it easy for such cultures to sustain themselves, and in so doing generate many forms of shared commons. - Ecosystem maps