SPACE protocol

The effective functioning of this network requires a digital infrastructure that enables and incentivises the effective exchange of cultural product between entities. We aim to concentrate on first building this out for the physical spaces themselves, and then extending this to individuals and other groups that naturally synergise (or more precisely need) resources and skills from other members.

# Description SPACE stands for: - Simple - Protocol for - Action - Cooperation and - Exchange

This means that we seek to build technology and legal templates (a techno-legal infrastructure) that supports and incentivises collaboration between spaces. Simple means that this protocol (or partnership) should be as simple as possible.

We can achieve this by creating an initial **P**artnership **A**greement before migrating this to a **P**rotocol for **A**ction. That is we plan for an evolution of agreement complexity as the needs of the network (ecosystem) expand.

# Context The SPACE protocol is thee foundation stone of the SPACE network. It provides the runnings costs, and channels the social energy and value into creative developmeents.

DOT FROM wiki-map STATIC strict digraph { node [style=filled penwidth=3 color=black] rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=red penwidth=3 color=black] "SPACE network" node [shape=oval fillcolor=lightyellow] "SPACEs" -> "SPACE network" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] "SPACE network" -> "SPACE governance" "SPACE network" -> "SPACE ecosystem" "SPACE network" -> "SPACE ontology" "SPACE network" -> "SPACE protocol" "SPACE network" -> "SPACE events" "SPACE network" -> "SPACEs" "SPACE governance" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACE network" -> "SPACE governance" "SPACE network" node [shape=oval fillcolor=white color=grey] "SPACE ecosystem" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACE ontology" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACE network" -> "SPACE ontology" "SPACE network" node [shape=oval fillcolor=white color=grey] "SPACE protocol" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACE events" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "SPACEs" node [style=filled fillcolor=green]}

We describe this evolution of techno-legal form from an initial minimal state to its full and final form as a series of transitions between egg. caterpillar, and butterfly. It is important that we are clear about these stages from the start in order to avoid nasty surprises.

It is also important to balance the simplicity and freedom of such agreements with flexibility, and the ability to govern complex ecosystems of members and interests. We accomplish this through the use of simple techno-legal structures, that can be cloned, customised and nested indefinitely in order to create the necessary level of governance complexity required, while preserving some of the simplicity and flexibility that we can achieve using human scale governance.