

These define how the Card acts when a user or another card interacts with it. Behaviors computation is replicated on all user systems, providing a perfect, bit-identical shared experience. croquet

* Rooms and/or Spaces

If combinations of words bring forth poetry, and fire turns clay into pottery, then can code, through its variables and functions and classes, produce a new form of humanistic expression? Does form follow *function()*?

Alan Kay says that an operating system is a system that manages Time and Space. It means that an operating system in traditional sense manages CPU time and memory; we stretch the notion just a little bit to say that Croquet OS manages time with explicit time and space the bit-identical results in memory. discord

I (Stanley M. Davis) would now like to look at space, a third dimension of the universe, and examine what lessons it has for us in terms of management and organization. In the industrial economy, manufacturing takes place in the factory space. When we look at the new economy, however, "manufacturing" is increasingly moving out of the physical space of the producer into the physical space of the consumer. Furthermore, this new consumer is participating more and more in the final assembly if not the design, engineering, and manufacturing of his or her product. The final manufacture of a software application, for example, occurs when the user presses the return button on the computer. Consumers not only want goods and services whenever they need them, they also want them wherever they are at the time. Banking is a good example. From its days in marble-pillared buildings in town centres it has moved through branch operations, kiosks, automatic machines to waferthin credit cards which we carry around with us to use whenever, and almost wherever, we want. We are moving towards an any-time, any-place world in which our ability to deliver products and services at any moment at any location better than our competitors constitutes a key advantage.


DAVIS, Stanley M., 1990. Future Perfect. In: EVANS, Paul, DOZ, Yves and LAURENT, André (eds.), Human Resource Management in International Firms: Change, Globalization, Innovation. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. p. 18–28. ISBN 978-1-349-11255-5, p. 24.