
The power of storytelling is universally understood. At Griffin State School, we use storytelling to connect with and share our purpose. In the words of Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why, ‘People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.’ We keep our vision alive and frequently, bolster our momentum, when we tell the tales of how our mantras, artefacts, rituals, and traditions came into being. We narrate how our practices, values, and beliefs evolved and marvel at how they've adapted and shifted. Storytelling allows us to feel connected to our Deep Work. It reminds us of our ‘truth’.

We don’t restrict ourselves to the Griffin State School story. We also seek to hear the individual stories within our community – practising Deep Listening is part of our cultural identity. Our classroom walls tell of unfolding learning, and capture thinking and how it changes over time. The story of the process of learning is seen and heard too, at our quarterly classroom Celebrations of Learning and our whole school Learning Expos.

Our work harnessing the Designed inGenuity learning framework is enhancing our storytelling. We’re coming to understand how DiGs can amplify our voices and reveal deep truths. Storytelling is a gift to others but also a gift to ourselves. In sharing, we bravely step into and own our truth. Illuminating our stories imparts a feeling that can't be ‘unfelt’ by others. The learning feels alive.

Our school story and our personal stories have a powerful ability to bring us together, to reinvigorate us and to inspire. In 2020, we unveiled our Bold Vision – on a single page, using words and illustrations, we captured our collective school story so that it might be repeatedly told, deeply felt, and continuously enculturated.

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