Structures and Patterns of Couplings

11.1 Pattern: The abstract order of couplings, i.e. the set and configuration of relations between the elements/components of a composite unit/system, shall be called a pattern.

11.2 Structure: The totality of the concrete components/elements of a composite unit (i.e. a system) together with the specific patterns of their couplings (= relations) should be called the structure of the respective composite unit/system.

Structures and patterns

11.3 The elements/components of composite units/systems can be coupled (= ordered) by the Observer in space and time, whereby this is always done from the place and time of the observer (= Perspective).

11.4 If we abstract from the observer or the process of observing, then the constructs of space and time appear as absolute dimensions in which the world is located and takes place.


SIMON, Fritz B., 2018. Formen: zur Kopplung von Organismus, Psyche und sozialen Systemen. Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Systeme Verlag. Systemische Horizonte. ISBN 978-3-8497-0225-0302, p. 37

Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.