Sat, Aug 7th, 2021 K: Potential Partner Organization: Future Worlds Center of Nicosia, Cyprus. Three prospective trials I would like to talk to you about hosting in the Boston area: Coastal Community Resilience, Tidal Salt Marshes and Restoration as Systems, and Local Food Systems & Security. (My group has other interests as well.) I am interested in how we might employ our structural modeling software cloud and mobile platforms (Idea Prism and LogoSophia) as complementary tools for inquiry. And I would like you to take a look at the funding opportunity at the following link through the U.S. National Science Foundation which our group is looking at for this type of work.
Fri, Aug 6th, 2021 K: Great meeting on targeting, marketing and org structure yesterday. See Meeting Notes 5/8/21
Thu, Aug 5th, 2021 K: Meeting yesterday with ORiE Taskforce of the OR Society. Some interesting examples of other schemes to engage and accredit young people including Engineering Education Scheme and Crest Awards
Sat, Jul 31st, 2021 K: Please see this article on See the Systems published in the August 2021 edition of Inside OR magazine. The article is located on pages 19-20. Enjoy!
Thu, Jul 29th, 2021 K: All week I have been working with Ward Cunningham to create a causal loop diagramming facility in the fedwiki.
Thu, Jul 29th, 2021 K: Great call with Ian Cammack of Lancaster University re a Roses Trial of StS (Lancaster vs York). See Lancaster University StS for what they need from us.
Thu, Jul 29th, 2021 K: Great call with Andy Flitman . He will help us catalyse a trial in Australia.
Tue, Jul 27th, 2021 K:Some thoughts on virtual meeting platforms in this article shared by Nic
Tue, Jul 27th, 2021 K: I have a call with the OR Society tomorrow to discuss a potential new course I've proposed: "Empowering Change Agents"
Tue, Jul 27th, 2021 K: See this cool video from the 2nd cohort of the OCHS Bridge program. I'm a tad disappointed that systems thinking is not mentioned.
YOUTUBE 0IMsOh8gsLU OCHS Bridge Video
Mon, Jul 26th, 2021 K:Woolman Proposals sent. Meeting to discuss arranged for 8 August. Interesting discussion with Matt Forshaw of the ORS NE chapter. He is hosting a Data Analytics Challenge for ORS members in 5 uni's in the NE of England. The challenge is judged in categories and it will appear on degree transcripts (how did he make this happen? It will be judged by the stud(process designed and overseen by the National Audit Office).
Wed, Jul 21st, 2021 K: Link to recording of my ISSS workshops .
K Fri, Jul 16th, 2021: Preparing StS Mission,Frequently Asked Questions; Mentor Role Description; Trials
K (14/7/21): Good meeting with Evelyn Hardy and Karen down of ORS. See ORS UK Trial
Marc and I have been experimenting with Gather and Discord. I have created a virtual office for SeetheSystemsNode0 in Gather. You need to see our cool workspace! And also a See the Systems channel in Discord.
K(13/7/21): I received confirmation of acceptance of my proposed workshop on StS for the annual conference of the Operational Research Society in September. It will be in the "Making an Impact" stream. The ORS has also asked for a proposal to run a course I christened "Empowering Change Agents". This will be our mentor training package. Now to go and create it!! Nothing like a deadline to make something happen!
K (12/7/21): Interesting weekend participating in the ISSS first virtual international conference, I ran 3 sessions: (1) See thr Systems Update; (2) Mapping System Dynamics; and, (3) Mapping Diveristy, Equity and Inclusion in the ISSS. All the sessions were recorded so I will try to access the links for these to share here. Delia Pembrey Mcnamara, the President of the ISSS, invited me to give a session on See the Systems for ANZSYS (the Australis and New Zealand Systems association.) The idea would be to engage ANZSYS members in a trial of StS down under.
K(5/721): Great call with UK National lottery see here
K (4/721): I have been preparing some starter pages for our taskforces Participants Toolkit, Mentors Toolkit, Awards schemes, Phases of StS, Mentor Recruitment/ Management, Participant Management/ Recruitment, Business Model
K (3/7/21): attending a free online conference by UCL and States of Mind: Gathering connections in alternative education
K (1/7/21): Super call with Vishnu Agnihotri (Genwise India). He is going to help us get a trial together in India. Maybe involving TUI movement , Agastya
and Daksh
K (1/7/21): Article submitted to Inside OR magazine. See InsideOR Article Aug21
K (1/7/21): About to start the 2nd day of a much reduced 2nd cohort StS trial in Oregon. Due to the heatwave in Oregon, the first two days of the event had to be cancelled. Does 4 go into 2? We will see...
K (27/6/21): In the process of writing an article for Inside OR.
K(23/6/21): I've submitted an abstract to do a presentation on See the Systems to the "Making an Impact" stream at the OR63 conference in September. I had a great meeting this morning with Evelyn Hardy and Karen Down of the ORS. We are planning a regional trial of StS in the UK in the October half term. See ORS UK Trial. Roland McCabe is an ex nursery/primary teacher. He would like to explore See the Systems for nursery. I have also submitted an abstract to run a workshop on StS at the ISSS conference in July.
K(18/6/21): We completed the first cohort of the Oregon StS Trial yesterday. Amazing experience. Massive potential! Just in a meeting of Hull ST Circle. Potential trial in Hull around sorting a community ASB issue.
K(16/6/21): About to start the 3rd day of our Oregon trial. First two days have been very interesting. I have learnt such a lot already about how this works virtually, the process and how it can be improved. The second trial will be wc 28 June.
K (11/6/21): Map the System final is being streamed later today. Good luck to the Oxford Team!
K (10/6/21): Attended INCOSE STEM meeting to ensure "See the Systems" is on their agenda. Many opportunities for collaboration here.
K (9/6/21): We now have a full complement of really outstanding participants for our beta test of our "Systemic Entrepreneurship" course. See
K (7/6/21): The trial in Oregon has started with a first week "Scrambler DIG". Next week is a "Challenge DIG" aka a mini trial of StS. The teams will map an issue of interest in their community, identify interventions and develop a pitch.... a lot of work in just 4 days!
K (3/6/21): Super meeting with Airbus. Introduction made via Gary Smith (Thanks Gary!) Melanie and I did a great job introducing "See the Systems" and the partnership with EG. And the meeting even finished 10 minutes early (having started 5 minutes late!) StS aligns well with the Airbus Foundation's existing initiatives with young people. Gary said afterwards that they are "genuinely interested". The next step is that they have a meeting inhouse and come back to us via Gary.
K (2/6/21): Great conversation with Patrick Hoverstadt, Chairman of SCiO .
They are the professional body for systems practitioners and are creating the systems apprenticeship. Patrick loves the idea of StS. He is open to varying levels of engagement with SCiO. At a minimum just an outreach to members as potential mentors but he is also interested in partnering with us or indeed StS becoming a SCiO initiative. I will add to the agenda for next Sunday.
K: Systemic Entrepreneurship course oportunity
K (30/5/21): new connections via two presentations: Talk Shop and System Dynamics Society.
K (29/5/21): Its been an "interesting" week. I'm discovering that professionalism really matters to me. I'm convinced that this is what we need in mentors of "See the Systems". Where will I find it? Certainly in my consulting network. I believe that consultants will make great mentors: They understand people, how to manage stakeholders, how to deliver projects and how to work collaboratively to shared goals. These are the examples i want children to experience.
K (26-05-21): Last weekend I ran 5 sessions on Mapping systems dynamics at Complexity Weekend. Marc assisted. 1) Causal Loop Diagrams 2) Stock Flow Diagrams 3) Software Tools 4) SD in Practice 5) See the Systems.
K (20-05-21): Waiting on ORS to recruit a new xxxxx. Then we can design a UK experiment with STEM UK too.
K 19-05-21): Considering legal entity for StS. Thinking a CLG in UK.
K 19-05-21: IBM UK meeting. They want to be involved by providing mentors. They have a scheme where staff get paid for community volunteering (paid leave.) They want to upskill their consultants on systems dynamics. Its a win-win.
K 17-05-21: # STEM UK. Good meeting with Charlotte Land of STEM UK. They love StS. They will promote to schools and engage STEM ambassadors in mentorship. This is great as ambassadors undergo safeguarding training and DBS clearance. She asked us to prepare an outline of the process/an initial session for teachers. They would be happy to help in a UK pilot scheme.
K 16-5-21: An article by John Taylor Gatto "How and why public education cripples our kids" And another: Postman and Weingartner
I am scheduled to do a "trial" of the StS concept at schools in Oregon, USA on wc 14 June and wc 28 June. If Covid flying rules permit it will be "in person". If not it will be facilitated virtually by me.
See Engaging (in) Education: a recent article exploring the opportunities and challenges of home education.