StS Structure Updates


Marc (John, Kerry, Mick)


(Tue-Jul-06-21) Marc

digraph { layout=circo ranksep=.5; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=22] edge [penwidth=6 fontsize=24 labelfloat=true decorate=false constraint=true minlin=.1] ratio= 1 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] //z [style=invis] //a [style=invis] //b [style=invis] //c [style=invis] //d [style=invis] //e [style=invis] //f [style=invis] //g [style=invis] //h [style=invis] // { rank = same;z 1} // { rank = same;b 2} // { rank = same;c 3 4} // { rank = same;d 5 } // { rank = same;e 6 7} // { rank = same;f 11} // { rank = same;g 8 9} // { rank = same;h 10} //z -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h [style=invis] //3->{ 4 5 11 6 1 2} 3->4 [label="3->4"][color=red] 3->5 [label="3->5"][color=green1] 3->11 [label="3->11"][color=green1] 3->6 [label="3->6"][color=green1] 3->1 [label="3->1"][color=red] 3->2 [label="3->2"][color=red] 1 [label="S-1\nParticipants\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 2 [label="S-2\nPeople\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 3 [label="S-3\nStructure\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 4 [label="S-4\nRecruitment\nand Engagement\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 5 [label="S-5\nCreativity and\nDevelopment\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 6 [label="S-6\nOperations\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] //7 [label="S-7\nResources and\nFinance\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] //8 [label="S-8\nStrategy\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] //9 [label="S-9\nMarketing and\nCommunication\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red //yellow green1 //lightblue ] //10 [label="S-10\nLeadership\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red //yellow green1 //lightblue ] 11 [label="S-11\nCulture\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] }

(Fri-Aug-06-21) Marc: * 🔴 I feel the need to understand Structure from the needs and perspectives of each of the associated spheres. I need to **talk with each of these Sphere owners** when they are ready.

For updated Status, Evidence, and Suggestions--see

* [ ] 🔴 3->1

* [ ] 🔴 3->2

- Roles need to be developed by the core team. See NES Roles.

* [ ] 🔴 3->4

- I begin to imaging our undertaking (to change the world) as a scalable enterprise made up of a nested network of federated co-ops whose main purpose is to curate useful patterns that can be used locally to improve life in neighborhoods--at the grassroots.

* [ ] 3->5

- It is interesting. Watching the group, it seems like we are quite innovative. It may be the case that having a small team and getting the team members who are individually innovative and who can work well together is all that is needed at this stage. This seems to fit with The Magic Number Five and with what Jon Walker reports from small co-ops.

* [ ] 3->11

- Make a habit of asking how well Structure and Culture are resonating.

* [ ] 3->6

- As I experience NES and StS, there seem to be enough structure supporting day-to-day operating that it seems to be working. I know who is doing what by when. I know when I can talk with team members.

- Kerry's use of FedWiki and Google Sheets is helping a lot. Sofi model let's me know what we need to be doing day-to-day. So, I would make this Green


* [ ] Sphere change of STATUS: Yellow (Refer to S-3 Structure NES)

* [ ] NES Roles

* [ ] Mentor need lots of work. Blank URLs.

>Anyone in the group can fork any of these pages to your FedWiki site and go to work. The rest of us can see your work. Once I have all of your FedWiki site URLs I will create a roster of the group so you can be assured you have access to each team members perspective on any page.