# 30 July 2021 4pm uk
- Present John, Marc, Claudius, Mick, Richard, Denise, Jen, Bob Bollen (friend), Apologies: Meg
- Kerry briefly went through the new entries in the week before on the newsdesk. And also a quick revisit of her SoFI spheres.
- We agreed to delay Gather trial as a part of a future meeting
- Jen shared that the main issues she'd had with Map the System was the lack of support on tools and also how to scope a systems project
- Marc shared his view that civil society, business and government are out of balance. To redress this he has been providing and vernacularising the tools he had access to in business. We can't simply inflict these tools on neighborhoods.
- Bob talked about his projects eg neoliberalism . He will learn about the fedwiki with Marc.
- John reported that he has been invited to speak to a conference on VR. He raised the issue that we need to create an organisational form to enable us to access grant funding. Richard offered to run a session on this with the process enneagram.
- Bob suggested that we need a growth strategy eg 1 school, 1 Trust, 1 Region etc.
- The FAQ's page needs checking and populating. How to do this?
- John talked about recording the Woolman meeting if they are amenable.
# 23 July 2021 4pm uk - Present John, Marc, Claudius, Mick, Richard, Meg, Nic Mcnally (Apologies: Denise, Jen, Sarah) - Kerry referred everyone to the newsdesk to receive continuous updates on status. - Marc briefly reported back on progress with building a model of StS in Sensimod. The aim is that we test the tools before recommending them in the StS toolkit. Ward is exploring building the capacities in the fedwiki. - Kerry briefly showed the pages on SOFI spheres and how we plan to use them. - We will try meeting in Gather next time. - Nic gave us an excellent introduction to VR and its potential in StS. Reactions ranged from excitement to interest to suspicion. We will explore and experiment to discover the value for StS. - Kerry shared the National Lottery Expression of Interest page. Contributions welcomed... - Discussion of the core group StS trial is on hold til next week when hopefully all will be present. - Empowering Change Agents is a course I have proposed to the ORS. It is our opportunity to design the mentor toolkit and training. This also ties in the Woolman Proposals. One of which is a week long mentor/guide training for StS. - Kerry has created 2 new pages: Questions is a page for us to propose questions for the group. Frequently Asked Questions is a page with the questions that others may ask (participants, mentors, partners, public)
# 16 July 2021 4pm uk - Present John, Marc, Claudius, Mick, Denise (Apologies: Richard, Jen, Sarah, Meg) - John reported on progress with Woolman. Kerry and John have created a set of Woolman Proposals for multigenerational experiments on the Woolman campus. John believes this could be our future site in California. This could be a route to scale StS through the Quaker global network. - Marc talked about communication platforms. He stressed that all our tools and platforms need to be usable by kids in local communities. We have a Discord channel and a Gather.town space here: https://gather.town/app/KXrhdl0kkQCJwutX/SeetheSystemsNode0. We will experiment with Gather at next week's meeting. John thinks the future is VR and Kerry agreed to get Nic Mcnally to present to the group on this opportunity next week. - Kerry shared the 4 loop simplified StS CLD she shared at the ISSS conference. Marc and Kerry will work out how to share this in the Fedwiki. - Marc and Kerry have been exploring the potential for Vester's Sensimod in StS. More to follow.... - Marc has prepared a set of pages to help us manage StS using the SOFI spheres and links. Kerry to contact sphere leads to engage. See StS Updates Index. It is essential that we have a single person as sphere lead (whilst others can be in supporting roles) - Claudius talked about smart cities as an opportunity and what has been happening with community self organization in SA. Africa is an unexplored opportunity for StS. Victor's school in Nigeria is an opportunity. - Marc shared the Relocalize Creativity Temple(ate). He proposes replacing the current model pillars with Aristotle/Ackoff's Beauty/Good/Truth/Economy.
# 9 July 2021 - Present Marc, Mick, Richard, John, Jen, Denise, Meg, Kerry (Apologies: Claudius, Sarah) - Welcome to new member Meg River of the Bloom network bloomnetwork.org, onixnet.com - Fedwiki training will be offered to Sarah, Meg and Bruce and participants in Systemic Entrepreneurship Beta course. - John talked about the Woolman opportunity. He and I will be crafting a proposal. - Comms platform: We discussed Discord, Gather and Zoom. Offers to help fund a pro zoom license. Meg created a seethesystems group email address. - Denise would like to see the system of See the Systems. KT share CLD of StS etc - Marc described his vision that we are curating a set of recipes/patterns that will be our brand and open source. - Kerry will be presenting 3 workshops at the ISSS virtual conference this weekend. Now completed and recorded. I will share the links as soon as they are available.
# 2 July 2021 4pm UK
- Present: Marc, John, Jen, Mick, Claudius, Richard, Denise Kerry
- Kerry talked about the Oregon experiment. You will find the learning captured here
- Kerry mentioned the potential to take over Map the System with Visual Meaning. Thoughts?
- Trials: Richard would be up for creating a trial in Niagra Falls, NY. Denise could get involved too. Would be "under the radar"
- Kerry has written up the Oregon learning. Seen here
- John talked about Meg Rivers from Bloomnetwork.org as a potential new joiiner
- Marc: have we used the fedwiki? Please share your fedwiki urls so we can learn from each other. next Friday we will schedule 15 mins on fedwiki
- See StS Project Plan
- Discussion about partners: Rotary club, RSA, YMCA, Tik tok, boys and girls clubs eg guides/scouts
# 25 June 2021 4pm UK - Present: Marc, John, Jen, Mick, Claudius, Kerry (apologies: Bruce, Richard) - We talked about the precious nature of the group and need for high trust to bring in new members. Kerry would like to bring in Denise Brouder (known by Kerry, Jen and Claudius). I have since asked and she would be honoured to join us. Marc commented that we currently have the magic number 5 (3-7) attending our meetings. - Kerry shared her latest SOFI assessment of StS (done in the SOFI software.) - Discussion on Partners eg the ethics of signing NDA's. Also how we charge for our work. We discussed whether people value what they don't pay for. We agreed we need to cover out of pocket expenses and that we need to consider some pay forward mechanism eg a commitment to pass on what they learn from us to a certain number of people. We will need to flexible in considering these arrangements. Need a working party to propose some ways of working in this area. - What sort of cash flow will be needed to support StS? Jen said she would be happy to help with the modelling work. - We talked about forthcoming trials. There will be one in the UK with the ORS probably in October (half term.) I have submitted an abstract for a StS workshop at the OR63 conference in September. I have also prepared an article for Inside OR (August edition) to drum up interest. - We are aiming for further trials this year in New York (Richard interested and I am sure Denise Brouder will be), India and Australia. Maybe also in Europe with ChessPlus. - Kerry shared the draft workplan. We now need to staff the activities. Kerry will propose some teams at the next meeting based on the preferences expressed in the original preference spreadsheet. - Wordpress would be a good platform for our website(s).
# 20 June 2021 4pm UK - Present: Marc, John, Richard, Mick, Claudius, Sarah (apologies: Bruce, Jen) - We discussed the issue of ethical behavior in the group. It is crucial that this group finds resonance and trust in each other and is completely focused on the aims of See the Systems. John described the group as a tender shoot that requires nurturing. - We agreed that people not on the same path and distracting us from our mission will be asked to leave the group. This does not preclude group members from operating with these people...but this is not the purpose of See the Systems. I note that we also need to think about a protocol for bringing in new group members. Sarah attended for the first time today: I have known and worked with Sarah for over two decades. Trust matters. - It is understood that all developments on the fedwiki are protected by a creative commons license. My intention is that the content of "See the Systems" is freely available to all children. This does not preclude any of us offering our services to other organisations at usual consulting rates. Marc made a statement in the chat about his consulting rates. I did not say this in the meeting but I wish to have it go on record that I have only rarely worked for consulting rates since leaving IBM back in 2005. Rather I have given away my time and skills to start-ups whose values I support in return for shelter and food (or at least covering my additional out of pocket expenses for the project.) - We discussed the issue of payment for See the Systems and Marc proposed a scheme of "paying forward". This means that the people we train and work with agree to pass on their learning (similarly for free) to a certain number of others (with the proviso that they too will do the same.) We need to explore how we can experiment with this. - Kerry Talked about her experiences with a Mini See the Systems experiment in Oregon. The group commented that this is innovation and the ultimate key is adoption. We discussed the potential of Mick's idea to create a network of after school clubs to support children on their journey into seeing systems. We have taken ChangeOurWorld.Club as a suitable domain name. We will explore for scope for this after the 2nd cohort in Oregon has completed. - Kerry talked about the breadth of issues discussed by the first Oregon cohort. Bullying in various forms from the playground to the lack of inclusive societies to global prejudices. We agreed that bullying/inclusivity is a great topic to explore. It is being explored also at the ISSS (Kerry is facilitating an experiment to jointly create a CLD.) - John reported back on our meeting with Woolman. We are scoping a multigenerational StS project with them. The quaker approach to meetings (silence, consensus) is very refreshing and calming. - Marc led a session to explore our individual assessments of the states of the SOFI spheres for StS. Spheres felt to be red were: 11,1,3,6,3,5, 6,4. It is interesting how needing to make assessments helps us t get clearer about meaning. - Kerry will share the draft workplan she has prepared. - We agreed to change our meeting to Friday. - Marc commented on the fedwiki training which took place on Saturday. Marc is happy to teach those who were unable to attend in another session. He will circulate fedwiki pages to us to fork and practice.
# 13 June 2021 4pm UK - Present: Mel, Marc, John, Richard,(apologies: Bruce, Jen, Claudius, Mick) - Kerry reported back on recent meeting with SOFI people. *Action: All to have a go at rating colors on SOFI spheres for StS and for their own organisation.* See State of Each Sphere. - Marc will run an introduction to fedwiki course on Saturday 19 June at 3pm UK 7am PST. All invited to attend. *Action: RSVP.* - Marc and Richard are meeting on Tuesday to have a convo about their respective approaches and application to communities. - Marc and I have a meeting with 99% to explore opportunities to collaborate. - 3 phases: request for input....What are the 3 phases of "See the Systems" (1) Our organisation; and (2) the competition itself. - Model and workplan still wip. - Discussed trial and options inc making 1st phase for over 18's to avoid ethics issues. For mentors we will require them to mentor under 18's in pairs and to have STEM ambassador status in UK (so DBS cleared and trained) - Melanie has a potential opportunity for a trial (client confidential) - Agreed to create 2 working groups to develop straw men for (1) participant/mentor toolkits and (2) Criteria for Awards/Judge process. *Action: RSVP if interested in either of these.* Ideally seeking a pair to work on each.
# 9 June 2021 4pm UK
- Present: Jen, Mel, Marc, John, Claudius, Richard, Mick (apologies: Bruce)
- Kerry reported that she is engaged in designing a trial of a mini version of "Map the System" with a group of schools in Oregon, USA. The program uses a protocol called a DIG (Designed Ingenuity.) There are two sessions of two weeks each with 80 children in each. Week 1 is a scrambler DIG (to create teams of 7/8 kids in a highly connected system.) Week 2 is a challenge DIG (to focus the team on mapping a local issue they care about, identifying things they can do about it and identifying ways of evaluating the impact. Read more here .
We discussed the potential for live streaming but this is not ethically possible as approval would need to be sought from parents etc.
John said that he and Howard Silverman of the ISSS may be able to help with the Oregon trial.
- Mel said the trial we will do with her network of schools in the UK will have clearance for live streaming.
- Kerry reported on her discussion with SCiO chairman, Patrick Hoverstadt. We agreed that we would partner with SCiO in a non-exclusive relationship. - Kerry reported that she and Mel had a great meeting with Airbus. Thx to Gary Smith for making the connection. Read more on the news desk page. - Fedwiki: We agreed that the group would participate in a 1 hour training session with Marc. Timing tbd. - The beta test of a course Kerry has created with Jamie Keeling will start 4 July. Mel and Jen are signed up. - Kerry will share more on the workplan and £ model at next week's meeting. - Potential Names for our umbrella organisation: CMW Ltd(Create more wisdom, Change my world). Galileo, Side by Side. We agreed to share name ideas in the whatsapp group. - Marc introduced us to iPBSM. He will run another session for us to get in deeper. - Home Ed: Mel has a list of home ed parents who have downloaded her programs. John said we could create a virtual classroom for home ed parents in whole systems education. - Leverage Points: All to think of leverage points in the system we are influencing. - EG: Mel is ready to sign a partnership agreement with us. Sees us codeveloping programs to be on EG platform. She'd like Robert Mackay to join our meetings. She'd like our help in creating a headteachers summit. She suggested we ask Airbus for money as well as time/skills. She said applying for grants etc is fool's gold. - John feels it is the wrong time to introduce new group members just as the group is gelling. he doesn't want the meetings to be recorded. Mel suggested a protocol like the Hakwood circle where there is PIN access to recordings. Mel to look into this. -
# 16 May 2021 4pm UK
- Status Report (Kerry)
KT is standing for VP Education ISSS jointly with Daniel Ari Friedman of Complexity Weekend (CW).
Places still available for CW next weekend.
Preliminary discussion with Shell NXplorers.
Jon Twigge (Potentialisation) interview.
Unleashing Genius collaboration.
Richard Knowles.
- Intro to SOFI Organisational Analysis (Marc)
See Sofi & See the Systems
- SOFI Analysis of StS: ?s & Actions (Kerry)
See Access Contents Page
Agreed everyone to review spheres and add further questions and observations.
- StS System Map (Kerry)
KT presented a summary CLD with highlighted key stocks (Participants, Mentors, Cash, Reputation) and key focal points to manage stocks (Quality of participant, mentor and partner experiences). Agreed to circulate ppt and vensim model files. Download Vensim ple here . Gary noticed the lack of balancing feedback loops. We can design in these to control this system. But what are the limits to growth?
- Expressions of Interest (All)
Spreadsheet loaded to google. Find your column and use "1" to indicate your interest in a sphere. Marc has completed his as an example.
- Trial of StS Concept
Options to trial in Oregon USA (small scale) with Innovate Oregon; OR Society OR in Schools; New design with EG (discuss with Melanie)
- TV Idea
Create proposal with Melanie. Take to Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV. NB I spoke to John V and he suggests we do this ourselves and make it viral...engaging kids etc. Propose we add to agenda at next meeting.
- Richard Knowles' offer
Agreed to give Richard some time to facilitate the process with us. Kerry to contact Richard and arrange for next meeting. View Richard's site here
Discussion of communications. Agreed to set up a whatsapp group. John and Claudius to provide their mobile numbers.
Next meeting Sunday 23 May 2021 4pm uk.
# 23 May 2021
# 30 May 2021
Present: RK, JV, CvW, BM, MP, MA, KT
Discussed expanding group but agreed not to at this point. KT will invite someone to represent MH if she continues to be unable to attend meetings (due to illness.)
Agreed need to get a separate professional zoom account. Meetings will be recorded so we have transcript. Nothing will be shared beyond the group.
Group discussion on Question: How can we convince teachers to facilitate instead of lecture?
What's in it for them? Engagement? Difficult to change peoples' minds, so better to find those already interested. Opportunity of new school in Nigeria https://victornwankwoleadershipacademy.africa/. DIG process https://dig.wiki.innovateoregon.org/view/welcome-visitors. iPBSM http://ipbsm.edu.tries.fed.wiki/view/welcome-visitors/view/about-ipbsm (Marc)
Marc will train us all in fedwiki.
After request: Can I ask everyone to have their cameras on in future meetings please? It is difficult to facilitate without seeing people. Thank You.