
> Consciousness cannot control or determine communication; independently of what participants think about utterances and information, understanding is used in social systems to continue communication. Understanding is followed by utterances, for instance by expressions of doubt about the sincerity of a previous utterance or surprise at unexpected Information.

expected information?

How David Perell writes an essay.

One of the most fundamental prerequisites of Communication is that the partners can surprise each other. Only in this way can information be generated in the other.

Bohm called them moments, moments in which there is emergence from the implicate order to the explicate order. Moments of emergence, quanta moments. Whitehead referred to them as 'actual occasions'.

Pedagogical method to help teach students the nature of scientific thought (and I would argue critical thinking in general). Students must fight Confirmation Bias by actively seeking out and noting experiences that don't match expectations.

The work of the neuroscientist Karl Friston has transformed our understanding of the brain. But the impact of his work is taking us much further, leading us to a deeper understanding of the very nature of consciousness.

Neuroscientists are more deeply learning how we learn, casting new light on what Jean Piaget theorized.

In the 1980s, feminist conceptual artists Barbara Kruger and Jenny Holzer made large-scale public art interventions that mimicked the language of advertising. Their art appeared on billboards, electronic signage, buildings and other open surfaces to critique the way in which corporate cultures had fully occupied the visible horizon of public thought with slogans.

The Dopaminergic Midbrain Encodes the Expected Certainty about Desired Outcomes