**Definition**: What systems, processes, structures, roles, and infrastructure are needed?
Includes definitions of roles, responsibilities, reporting relationships, policies, procedures, systems, contracts, agreements, licences, legal issues, service level agreements (SLAs), Information Technology (ID), infrastructure.
**What Traffic Signal color indicates the overall state of activities in the Organizing Infrastructure Sphere?** * [ ] RED = Stop * [x] YELLOW = Caution * [ ] GREEN = Go * [ ] BLUE = Unsure
# Assessment:
digraph { ranksep=.2; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=20] edge [penwidth=2] ratio=1.5 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] a[style=invis] //1 [label="Sys 1\nCustomer\nInteraction\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=yellow] //2 [label="Sys 2\nStaffing\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=yellow] 3 [label="Sys 3\nOrganizing\nInfrastructure\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=yellow] //4 [label="Sys 4\nMarketing\nSales\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=pink] //5 [label="Sys 5\nLearning\nDesign\nImprovement\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=green1] //6 [label="Sys 6\nOperating\nTactics\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=yellow] //7 [label="Sys 7\nResource\nAllocation\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //8 [label="Sys 8\nStrategy\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //9 [label="Sys 9\nMarket\nComm\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //10 [label="Sys 10\nLeading\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=green1] //11 [label="Sys 11\nCulture\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=green1] z[style=invis] }
# Notes:
Key tools and methods for providing software and service as well as that needed for operation a foundation.
It seems that we should have a customer generated FedWiki Product Backlog List presented in the FedWiki.
FedWiki Software itself.
Eldorado (Neo-4j, Graphviz, FedWiki, and Cypher Queries).
Distributed network approach to software development and user engagement.
Consider creating a non-profit public-benefit of "cooperative foundation."
See FWF Model