Sys 5 Learning Design Improvement FWF JMP

**Definition**: How to improve? Project by project? Whole system?

Includes research and development (R&D), development of skills, competencies, capabilities in the workplace, new products/services, training, innovation, new ideas, learning, continuous improvement.

**What Traffic Signal color indicates the overall state of activities in the Learning Design Improvement Sphere?** * [ ] RED = Stop * [ ] YELLOW = Caution * [x] GREEN = Go * [ ] BLUE = Unsure

# Assessment:

digraph { ranksep=.2; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=20] edge [penwidth=2] ratio=1.5 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] a[style=invis] //1 [label="Sys 1\nCustomer\nInteraction\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=yellow] //2 [label="Sys 2\nStaffing\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=yellow] //3 [label="Sys 3\nOrganizing\nInfrastructure\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=yellow] //4 [label="Sys 4\nMarketing\nSales\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=pink] 5 [label="Sys 5\nLearning\nDesign\nImprovement\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=green1] //6 [label="Sys 6\nOperating\nTactics\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=yellow] //7 [label="Sys 7\nResource\nAllocation\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //8 [label="Sys 8\nStrategy\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //9 [label="Sys 9\nMarket\nComm\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //10 [label="Sys 10\nLeading\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=green1] //11 [label="Sys 11\nCulture\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=green1] z[style=invis] }

# Notes:

This is a quite interesting sphere. This is an amazingly innovative group. We must take care not to destroy this innovation as we go along.