**Definition**: How to prioritize?
Refers to the time frames and assumptions used to guide decision making, specific strategies, plans that have been written down or implemented, as well as missions, goals, objective that have been discussed but not written, planning, timing.
**What Traffic Signal color indicates the overall state of activities in the Strategy Sphere?** * [ ] RED = Stop * [ ] YELLOW = Caution * [ ] GREEN = Go * [x] BLUE = Unsure
# Assessment:
digraph { ranksep=.2; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=20] edge [penwidth=2] ratio=1.5 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] a[style=invis] //1 [label="Sys 1\nCustomer\nInteraction\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=yellow] //2 [label="Sys 2\nStaffing\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=yellow] //3 [label="Sys 3\nOrganizing\nInfrastructure\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=yellow] //4 [label="Sys 4\nMarketing\nSales\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=pink] //5 [label="Sys 5\nLearning\nDesign\nImprovement\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=green1] //6 [label="Sys 6\nOperating\nTactics\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=yellow] //7 [label="Sys 7\nResource\nAllocation\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] 8 [label="Sys 8\nStrategy\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //9 [label="Sys 9\nMarket\nComm\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //10 [label="Sys 10\nLeading\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=green1] //11 [label="Sys 11\nCulture\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=green1] z[style=invis] }
# Notes:
We have a general strategy: create technology for democratic, modern, safe, collaborative writing and learning federation.
We do not seem to have a strategy for sustainability. Again, I could make this red but I think it needs more discussion and clarity about what it is before adding urgency.
See FWF Model