Sys 9 Market Comm FWF JMP

**Definition**: What is needed in the marketplace? What messages to send? Marketing and communication is used in a big picture way to include communication of messages both internally and externally, electronically or through other media, communications like interviewing, market research, publicity, brand identity, advertising and public relations, communications across the business units and functional units throughout the organization.

**What Traffic Signal color indicates the overall state of activities in the Marketing and Communication Sphere?** * [ ] RED = Stop * [ ] YELLOW = Caution * [ ] GREEN = Go * [x] BLUE = Unsure

# Assessment:

digraph { ranksep=.2; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=20] edge [penwidth=2] ratio=1.5 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] a[style=invis] //1 [label="Sys 1\nCustomer\nInteraction\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=yellow] //2 [label="Sys 2\nStaffing\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=yellow] //3 [label="Sys 3\nOrganizing\nInfrastructure\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=yellow] //4 [label="Sys 4\nMarketing\nSales\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=pink] //5 [label="Sys 5\nLearning\nDesign\nImprovement\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=green1] //6 [label="Sys 6\nOperating\nTactics\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=yellow] //7 [label="Sys 7\nResource\nAllocation\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //8 [label="Sys 8\nStrategy\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] 9 [label="Sys 9\nMarket\nComm\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=lightblue] //10 [label="Sys 10\nLeading\nFWF\nJMP"][fillcolor=green1] //11 [label="Sys 11\nCulture\nFWF\nJMP"] [fillcolor=green1] z[style=invis] }

# Notes:

We are broadly aware of social media platforms and of the evolving web technology. We are broadly aware of other platforms with overlapping features with FedWiki. We know what is unique to FedWiki. We have no organized approach to communication boradly with the marketplace. It is friend of a friend communication so far.