Systems Science

DOT FROM lambda-browsing


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digraph G { "Systems Science" -> "Concepts of Systems"; "Systems Science" -> "Systems Theories"; "Concepts of Systems" -> Aesthetics; "Concepts of Systems" -> Cybernetics "Concepts of Systems" -> Hoemostats; "Concepts of Systems" -> "Systems Ontology"; "Concepts of Systems" -> Hierarchy; "Concepts of Systems" -> Cycles; "Concepts of Systems" -> Isomorphies; "Concepts of Systems" -> "Structure and Function"; "Concepts of Systems" -> "Space-Time"; "Concepts of Systems" -> Presence; "Concepts of Systems" -> "Control and Governance"; "Systems Theories" -> "Walter Russel's Cosmogeny"; "Systems Theories" -> "Relational Theory"; "Systems Theories" -> "Social System Theory"; "Systems Theories" -> "Systems Process Theory"; "Systems Theories" -> "Tektology"; "Systems Theories" -> "Viable System Model"; "Systems Theories" -> "Systems Science"; "Concepts of Systems" -> "Systems Science"; }