Tall Poppies

We should all be 'tall poppies'. We all have great success and talents to share. Playing small doesn't serve us or others.

A 'tall poppy' is someone who stands tall in their Authentic Self and success. In Australia, these people have not traditionally been admired. Singling out ourselves or another for our brilliance has not been a common practice. Instead, cutting down others in an effort to equalize achievements has historically been the cultural norm. We protect the collective by keeping personal achievements quiet.

For a long time, we have had 'Tall Poppy Syndrome', preferring for the group to grow at the same pace, not allowing one to thrive ahead of others. If this expectation isn't met, if an individual dares to share their thriving, they are criticized, resented, and 'cut down' in an effort to protect the feelings of others. Being a 'tall poppy' is not something one would have sort to be.

In recent times, this thinking has shifted and slowly we are allowing ourselves and others to 'stand out'. Unaccustomed to the spotlight, we find this uncomfortable and downplay our success, often putting our achievements down to luck. Our enculturated response is to dim our light, to prevent hurting others.

It takes great Confident Courage to allow ourselves to be truly seen and celebrated. When we courageously tell the stories of our thriving, we encourage others to reveal their Hidden Potential. Those who witness us are influenced by our vulnerability and begin to find their own courage.

We must be tall poppies - others are counting on us.