Tech & Art = One, beyond True/False

With the Hologram, it makes no sense to want to consider it real or fictitious and its algorithms true or false. All should categories like "Good" and "bad", "beautiful" and "ugly", however, will apply to the new technology [⇒ Beauty, Good, Truth, and Economy]. In this meaning it will be approximately what was called "art" in modern times, and Nietzsche's sentence "art is better than truth" will only gain the radical meaning that is meant in it. The modern separation of technology and art, of "hard" and "soft" culture, will become meaningless, not because technology and art overlap, but because they will regain their pre-modern Synonymity. (p. 145)


A densely enough scattered Hologram of a table, for example, would be, if it succeeded, indistinguishable from a "perceived given" table. (Flusser, Vom Subjekt zum Projekt, 122–123)

Aesthetics, Ethics, Science, and Production.

Living happens in continuous Structural Coupling

SANZ, Ricardo, et al. Thinking with the body: Towards hierarchical, scalable cognition. In: Handbook of Cognitive Science. Elsevier, 2008. p. 395-421.

between Synthesis and Analysis