Teleological Ethics

Is there a teleological Motive in moral Reflection and ethical action for you? That is: are your ethical Interventions aimed at something? Or are they rather avoiding something undesired? Or is there a third approach to this, which is entirely different and doesn't position itself on this axis? (jon via matrix )

The second question seems to be easier to answer. If a Choice is possible at all. And the corresponding social dynamics do not develop beyond the possibilities of intervention anyway. matrix


Starting to collect some thoughts around Ethical Compute and happy to discuss this to the bone.

Computation has become an ubiquitous structural force that shapes societies and the planet. When we engage with information and communication technologies, they become part of our praxis, which in return shapes them.


(Haben Sie ein teleologisches Motiv für moralische Reflexion und ethisches Handeln? Mit anderen Worten: Sind Ihre ethischen Interventionen auf etwas gerichtet? Oder zielen sie eher darauf ab, etwas Unerwünschtes zu vermeiden? Oder gibt es einen dritten, ganz anderen Ansatz, der nicht auf dieser Achse liegt?)

=> Motiv, 1906 => Motive

=> Moral, 6721