
In the conceptualization of system theory, negation has a functional primacy because it allows the world to be kept accessible despite the unavoidably selectivity of the operations of social and psychic systems.

No system is able to terminate itself through its own operations; in any case, negation of oneself is yet another confirmation of autopoiesis. Negation thus seems to be a point of departure for analyzing the construction of reality in meaning-constituting systems [→Constructivism]. [G.C.] –– (Unlocking Luhmann, p. 155–156)


terminate | BrE ˈtəːmɪneɪt, AmE ˈtɛrməˌneɪt | A transitive verb 1 (bring to an end) beenden ▸ the contract was terminated der Vertrag wurde gelöst 2 (Medicine) unterbrechen ‹Schwangerschaft› B intransitive verb 1 (come to an end) enden ‹Vertrag›: ablaufen 2 (Linguistics) enden auslauten