Here we expand Cook and Brown's basic schema, to consider four kinds of literacy in the dance of formacion. In each dimension there are relations of production - and **altered relations of production**. It's the RoPs that determine what the scope of the practice might be.
I see activist literacy in formacion lying in four different kinds of weaving and dancing, which need to be combined. I'll say just a little here, about RoPs in each of these dimensions.
- RoPs - Four modes of rigour Weaving four **modes of rigour** in the production of knowledge and capability In each quadrant of 'the dance of knowing' there are different modes of rigour. In the field of producing knowledges, these amount to RoPs. Literacy involves knowing how to mobilise these, constructing altered labour powers. This is basically what Cook and Brown were pointing to, in their original perspective on 'the dance'.
- RoPs - Class practices in the organising of knowing. Weaving various **class practices** in the organising of knowing Various forms of class practice in the producing and mobilising of knowledges have evolved during Fordism and post-Fordism. Altered relations of production in this dimension of knowing constitute different cultural formations - activist formations, radical formations, prefigurative formations - with different scopes and different politics. Four RoPs are highlighted.
- RoPs - Competing structures of feeling Weaving competing **structures of feeling** In each of the four quadrants of the dance of knowing there are choices between structures of feeling - distinct variations in aesthetics around any broad orientation to rigour. These may be more or less liberatory. The hidden curriculum of formacion is very much concerned with these - that is, with liberation (the production of a changed **heart**) as well as 'production'. They are RoPs in ยง3 the aesthetic landscape.
- RoPs - Four extents of 'reach' in activist practice Weaving four **extents of 'reach'** in activist practice Practice can have a finer- or coarser-grained focus. I propose a framing in terms of four zones of proximity and reach. Each can be a zone of critical transformation. For great scope, a practice needs to be skilfully present across all extents of reach. ---
Next: Scale, scope ---