Software developers talk about code "elegance".
The sense of elegance is hardly limited to software - it is around us in our physical world as well.
But what is this "elegance", particularly within the context of Pattern Languages?
What if there was a direct relationship between the two?
What if:
**Elegance is the pattern revealed**
For many years I worked as a consultant in Asia and was asked to makes sense of very complex market dynamics. Like understanding the industrial oil market in Taiwan, a project I did for BP .
At first, it all felt like a chaotic mess. But I would keep challenging my team to learn more deeply about each piece of the puzzle. Many times this process would take several months.
But then, all of sudden, a pattern of relationship would suddenly be revealed. It was like the lights were turned on and I could, for the first time, see how each of the pieces related to each other. The pattern was revealed.
They were moments of revelation.
And the patterns had elegance - defined by meaning that I could now communicate to others.
They had QWAN