The Well-Grounded Java Developer

First Edition

The Well-Grounded Java Developer starts with thorough coverage of Java 7 features like try-with-resources and NIO.2. You'll then explore a cross-section of emerging JVM-based languages, including Groovy, Scala, and Clojure. You will find clear examples that are practical and that help you dig into dozens of valuable development techniques showcasing modern approaches to the dev process, concurrency, performance, and much more. page

Foreword by Dr. Heinz Kabutz:

Measure, don’t guess.


Next, you’ll gain insight into how to do test-driven development and continuous integration of your system. I found it amusing that the old faithful butler Hudson was so quickly replaced with Jenkins. In any case, these are essential tools for managing your project, along with tools like Checkstyle and FindBugs.


The lesson is, don’t ever stop learning!

# Preface

This book started life as a set of training notes written for new graduate intake in the Foreign Exchange IT department of Deutsche Bank. One of us (Ben), looking at the existing books on the market, found a lack of up-to-date material aimed at inexperienced Java developers. So he resolved to write that missing book.


In this book, we hope that the theme of Software Development as a Social Activity rings out clearly. We believe that the technical aspects of the craft are important, but the more subtle concerns of communication and interaction between people are at least as important. It can be hard to explain these facets easily in a book, but that theme is present throughout.


# About this Book


We are still talking about it, because one of Java’s greatest strengths has been its ability to build on a few core design decisions, which have proved to be very successful in the marketplace:

* Automatic management of the runtime environment (for example, garbage collection, just-in-time compilation) * Simple syntax and relatively few concepts in the core language * Conservative approach to evolving the language * Add functionality and complexity in libraries * Broad, open ecosystem


Second Edition