We are called to find our _Why_, that which defines purpose, purpose that defines meaning.
From that _Why_, we center our _How_, and from that _How_, we center our _What_ – a model that Simon Sinek calls the Golden Circle:
We ponder the _Why_ of learning, recognizing that we learn not only to be able to 'do' something. More deeply, we learn in order to make meaning, meaning that weaves together both knowledge and experience to help us understand how we might best act in world. And we learn, Becoming Wise, so that we might guide others in their life journey.
Within this context, we ponder the _Why_ of education, recognizing that industrial education has focused on _acquiring knowledge_ – seeking to create useful workers for industrial production – a focus we now recognize as insufficient. For our students to become creative problem solvers and to thrive in our new economy, we must focus on _cultivating wisdom_ so that they might both imagine and realize new solutions to complex problems.
A seemingly simple shift but one, we sense, with radical implications. One which challenges us to more deeply explore the experience of Episodic Learning that underpins the DiG framework, a pathway to the _How_ of learning, one where the Essence of Agile flows.
Where learning comes alive, allowing teachers and students to lean into the _What_ of education, the curriculum, with far greater potential for academic achievement.
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