
STAHELI, U., 2018. The Mediality of Looseness. Cybernetics & Human Knowing. 1 January 2018. Vol. 25, no. 4, p. 15–24.

Let's consider things as butterfly nets that hold living butterflies. Hold them too hard or too long and they die – we call that Reification. The thingness is not the butterflies-flying-living, rather it is the net, almost invisible. Yet the net (netting as a cognitive activity, a Concept-making activity) the thing that allows the butterflies to be held apart from their environment – a pre-death kind of isolation. [⇒ Concepts are Networks of Contains Relations.]

You are welcome in the {lambda way} project, a light framework built on a wiki, {lambda tank}, and a functional programming language, {lambda talk}.


Let us further clarify the term ‘things’ through two working examples:

A street network and a coastline (Figure 2, Jiang and Slocum 2020). Conventionally, in geography or geographic information science, the things often refer to geometric primitives such as pixels, points, lines, and polygons. It is little wonder that Tobler’s Law is seen pervasively, as there are more or less similar sized things seen from the perspective of geometric primitives. For example, a street network has more or less similar street segments, or all the street junctions have more or less similar numbers of connections (1–4) (Figure 2(a)). A coastline consists of a set of more or less similar line segments (Figure 2(c)). Unfortunately, all these geometric primitives are not the right things for seeing the street network or coastline as a living structure. There is little wonder, constrained by the geometric primitives, that living structure was not a formal concept in geography.


Lassen Sie uns den Begriff "Dinge" anhand von zwei Arbeitsbeispielen näher erläutern: Ein Straßennetz und eine Küstenlinie (Abbildung 2, Jiang und Slocum 2020). Konventionell beziehen sich die Dinge in der Geografie oder der Geoinformationswissenschaft oft auf geometrische Primitive wie Pixel, Punkte, Linien und Polygone. Es ist nicht verwunderlich, dass das Toblersche Gesetz weit verbreitet ist, da es aus der Perspektive geometrischer Primitive mehr oder weniger ähnlich große Dinge gibt. Ein Straßennetz hat beispielsweise mehr oder weniger ähnliche Straßenabschnitte, oder alle Straßenkreuzungen haben eine mehr oder weniger ähnliche Anzahl von Verbindungen (1-4) (Abbildung 2(a)). Eine Küstenlinie besteht aus einer Reihe von mehr oder weniger ähnlichen Liniensegmenten (Abbildung 2(c)). Leider sind all diese geometrischen Primitive nicht geeignet, um das Straßennetz oder die Küstenlinie als lebendige Struktur zu betrachten. Es ist nicht verwunderlich, dass die lebendige Struktur aufgrund der geometrischen Primitive kein formales Konzept in der Geographie war.


Bruno Latour is the philosopher behind the title of this wiki. On this wiki we Idea Mine a range of disciplines around the notion that science, law, media and politics can be remixed in new and potentially fruitful ways.

Wiki provides remote editing with which one can collect and share things over the internet. We now consider the various granularities of things and how they are transmitted from place to place.

Descartes felt that our intellectual capacity was a divine gift. In fact, he believed that it was through a special gland in our brain, the pineal gland, that we had a direct connection to God, a connection that gave us the right to act as a conduit of God's authority.

A thing in action is essentially a right to sue. It is an intangible personal property right recognized and protected by the law, that has no existence apart from the recognition given by the law, and that confers no present possession of a tangible object. Another term is a "chose in action" - Wikipedia .