Tiddlywiki is a single (HTML) page application, written mostly in Javascript.
TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The fundamental idea is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks – tiddlers – and give them titles so that they can be structured with links, tags, lists and macros.
YOUTUBE 1g66s7UbyuU Getting Started with TiddlyWiki5
YOUTUBE cvLHjwYJfA4 TiddlyWiki Hangout #108
Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives. page
YOUTUBE i3Bggkm7paA
Introducing TiddlyDesktop - youtube
- Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop: A... - github.com
- nwjs/nw.js: Call all Node.js... - github.com
- tiddlywiki.files Files:... - tiddlywiki.com
- TiddlyWiki — a non-linear... - tiddlywiki.com
- TiddlyWiki/Dev —... - tiddlywiki.com
# See also - Why Do I Use Tiddlywiki? - How I Use Tiddlywiki