Topics discussed included:
* Learning FedWiki ( start ) via games such as Long Chain of Pages wiki
and 99 Bottles of Beer wiki
* Embedded tutorials important to the out-of-the-box experience with games. Eric described how a complex controller and interaction methods in a game series like "The Legend of Zelda" are taught via structured behavior and slowly ramped-up difficulty.
* FedWiki's dialogue with graph structure tools, comparing Michael Mehaffy's book of Alexandrian patterns (falling in to an interesting structure, Ward has a site on this) to Thompson Morrison's graph tool used to visualize and compose thought during an authoring process, where Ward, Thompson, Paul, and Eric collaborated to make a tool fit to Thompson's purpose but not limited to it.
* FedWiki's "About plugin" pages as WORKING EXAMPLES of the plug-in, documentation by example, which can be adopted into your pages. Notably the "Lineup Diagram" embeds a GraphViz visitor script which reads through the lineup, and is accessible if you want to copy and modify that script. (Transcriber notes having missed this essential property of the "about" pages despite being very example-driven; this also fits into the "embedded tutorials" topic)
* Eric's extended demonstration of browser-as-IDE, using the Javascript console to dynamically author new plugin processing for Graphviz items in the Progressive Web Application prototype and saving the results as Javascript source, branching out into a discussion and review of interactive computation environments from Lisp forward. Some troubleshooting with Paul about how to get a page with previously unknown story item types ("no plugin for graphviz") to re-render when available.
* A discussion of alternatives for hoisting your own wiki as a site visible to the public Internet, with choose-your-own-adventure questions of how to solve deployment and hosting and cert / domain issues. Can there be embedded tutorials, a la "Legend of Zelda", which help teach you the moves needed to make good decisions on how to deploy and host a wiki?
* Troubleshooting of SVG styling for Marc. We suspect that the problem is aliasing of the style element in SVG when more than one SVG is on the page. In a flat namespace, the first item with that ID tends to be preferred to the second one.