Transforming Interaction

The Hacker Ethic, my interpretation of several principles implicitly shared by true hackers

One of those principles was “Information Should Be Free.” This wasn’t a justification of stealing, but an expression of the yearning to know more so one could hack more.

Today, issues of cost, copying and control still rage

Related issues that also spring from controversies in Hackers are debates over the “walled gardens” of Facebook and Apple’s iPad.

Richard Stallman, an MIT hacker dedicated to the principle of free software. I recently revisited him while gathering new material for the 25th Anniversary Edition of Hackers, he was more hard core than ever. He even eschewed the Open Source movement for being insufficiently noncommercial.

adventurers, visionaries, risk-takers, artists

philosophy of sharing, openness, decentralisation

improve the machines and improve the world

magic in the computer... liberate the magic for us all